Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): IJER Special Edition: The 3rd International Conference on Education (Icon 2023)
Meta-Analysis of Students' Cognitive Abilities and Critical Thinking Skills Through the STEM Integrated Learning Model
The Influence of Digital Literacy of Teachers on the Implementation of Online Learning at High Schools in Gowa Regency
The Role of Ethnomathematics in Mathematics Learning
Difficulties in Learning English Speaking of Senior High School Students
Service Learning based on ESD and Sustainability Awareness Profile of Students in Bandung
Designing a Global Warming E-learning Module Using Adobe InDesign CS6 for Phase E Students
Enhancing Vocational Competency Exam Preparation: The Impact of YouTube Channel Videos
Facebook Group in Writing Activities: Students’ Voices
Women and Leadership in Higher Education: Faculty Members’ Voices in Jambi
Upskilling Higher Education Students for Digital Competency Using Project Based Learning
Teachers' Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners: A Case Study in an Elementary School in South Sumatera, Indonesia
Enhancing Communication Skills of Vocational High School Students through Cooperative Learning Type Group Investigation
Identifying Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
A New Vocational Education Marketing Mix in Indonesia
Does Artificial Intelligence Affect Actual Learning Experience Among University Students?
Profile Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Integrated Biology Learning
Multicultural Education in the Era of Society 5.0
The Influential Factors of Student Understanding in Mathematics Lessons
Challenges of Implementing Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) Technology in Multiple Disabilities After School Graduation: A Parent's Experience
Optimizing Biology Learning Outcomes: A Group Inquiry-Based Learning Approach Utilizing School Environment