E-Learning and Student’s Achievement: Fulfilling the Needs for Technology Integration


  • Shynta Amalia UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Muhammad Iqbal Ramdhani Universitas Bina Darma Palembang




e-learning, learning level, level of writing, writing achievement


The gap between students’ learning level and their level of writing prompted this classroom action research (CAR). E-learning was chosen as a media for students to enhance their understanding in producing a good piece of writing. The results showed that integrating e-learning in writing class contributed to the improvement of students’ writing. E-learning fulfilled the need of extended activities to accelerate students’ comprehension which resulted in their writing achievement. Students who actively participated in e-learning based teaching and learning activities showed a better writing performance in terms of organizing ideas. They also become more active during the classroom discussion due to their awareness of their writing problems.



The gap between students’ learning level and their level of writing prompted this classroom action research (CAR). E-learning was chosen as a media for students to enhance their understanding in producing a good piece of writing. The results showed that integrating e-learning in writing class contributed to the improvement of students’ writing. E-learning fulfilled the need of extended activities to accelerate students’ comprehension which resulted in their writing achievement. Students who actively participated in e-learning based teaching and learning activities showed a better writing performance in terms of organizing ideas. They also become more active during the classroom discussion due to their awareness of their writing problems.



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